Guest Post Template: Submit Your Content for Our Blog

The Content of Your Guest Post Blogging Piece

Guest Post Template Topics and Themes

If you think your topic will fit into one of our categories, then you’re off to a good start.

The Rules

NO BLATANT ADVERTISING: Do not appear to be selling your services, your products or your expertise. Give people something they can use, they’ll reach out to you when they are ready. 

BE UNIQUE: All the content you submit to be included on our blog needs to be unique. Unique means original, authored by you and not hosted anywhere else.

MUST BE NEW CONTENT: Make sure the content to be hosted here is new. Then of course you can cover topics you've covered before, mention ideas you've promoted before, relive moments you've lived before for the benefit of the reader. 

LINKS: As far as links, in the body of your post, they should enhance the reading experience. Links to other resources that further explain concepts or products you mention briefly are fine. Make them relevant and they add to enjoyment of the reader. 

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: The best posts are written for humans first, then search engines. Be a human. Write for humans, then optimize.

Our Style Guide:

LENGTH: The article should be 600- 800 words.

TITLES: The post title should include initial caps. Keep it to no more than 70 characters in length. 

SUBHEADS: The subheads should use H2, H1, etc. tags to be effective 

LISTS: The content should include bulleted lists and such for readability

The Structure of the Piece:

LINKS: Keep the number of links within the body of the article to 5.

PICTURES, GRAPHICS OR IMAGES: The format of any pictures, graphics or images needs to be .jpg or .png. They should be no larger than 600 pixels wide. A mention of the source needs to be included at the bottom of the post. 

A PICTURE OF YOU: Your headshot to be used in your Bio at the bottom of the post may be included up to 100 pixel x 100 pixel. 

BIO: An author bio of you, up to 100 words can include a link. Contact information in the bio of your piece will include your email address and your phone number. 

Promoting Your Post for Readers

OUR DISTRIBUTION: We include our content (including your submission) in our streams via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It may be picked up (syndicated) by other blogs. 

YOUR DISTRIBUTION: Please feel free to distribute your post through links in social media, respond to any comments and enjoy the attention. Do not then repost your submitted content to your blog or anywhere else. It needs to remain original content posted only here. You can, though, of course, discuss it, describe it and link to it. A snippet of the post can reside on your blog that links to the post on our blog and directs people back to the original content.

Submission of Your Post

  1. Send us your content with images. Submissions should be shared on a Google or Word document.
  2. You should then receive an email with an acceptance and further instructions (if any) or a polite decline with comments. 
  3. If we request any clarification or edits, please respond ASAP. 
  4. We will post it when we have a strategic hole in our editorial calendar. 
  5. We reserve the right to edit the content for grammar, relevance, voice, clarity.