Stratton Makes Summer Just a Bit Better With Beer, Wine and Cheese - All About Apres Ski

Stratton Makes Summer Just a Bit Better With Beer, Wine and Cheese

Beer versus wine, it is a decision that I struggle with regularly. Do I go with the sudsy refreshingness of beer that, with the craft revolution, continues to become more and more flavorful with every crack of the can? Or, is the tanniny sweetness of my long standing friend, wine, the choice du jour, pairing oh so well with food and prompting me to speak the words I've always wanted to say? Trust me, I get it, when it comes to choosing between beer and wine, these two epic libations make it quite a challenge. So why even bother? That's exactly what the brilliant people at Stratton Mountain Resort are suggesting with their new Beer vs. Wine Summer Workshop. And, just for good measure they've even added CHEESE!

Apres Surf Tee All About Apres  Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Tank Top, All About Apres

Stratton Mountain Hosts Three Beer and Wine Seminars This Summer

This summer, Grizzly's, the famous bar at the base of Stratton Mountain and one of my absolute favorite après ski bars anywhere, will be hosting three separate beer and wine tasting seminars. For a mere donation at the door, you can sit down with Stratton's food and beverage experts while pairing delicious Vermont cheeses with three different beers and three different wines. I know what you are saying, "six drinks and cheese for a donation? There's no way that's possible." Well, it is and don't think that for one second that you'll be drinking Boone's Farm and eating slices of American. As of right now they have signed on some heavy hitters like Long Trail Brewing, von Trapp Brewery, Michael and David Winery, Hopler Winery all ready to pair with a multitude of cheeses from the great Cabot Creamery.

This sounds like the perfect All About Après session to me and you don't have to wait until ski season for it to happen. The first seminar is next week with the other two following in August and September. So go to one or go to all, bottom line is that Stratton has made life just a little easier by not forcing you to choose between two of your favorite spirits.  

Stratton Mountain Beer and Wine Seminar

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