Beer, BBQ and Fun at Okemo's Hops On The Snow - All About Apres Ski

Beer, BBQ and Fun at Okemo's Hops On The Snow

Spring skiing is hard to beat. An already great mountain atmosphere is enhanced by warmer weather and longer days. There's something to be said for getting out there early, skiing until your legs feel like jelly, thanks to the soft snow, then heading in just a bit early to enjoy a prolonged outdoor après ski session. It's a scenario that just puts people in a really good mood and something that Okemo Mountain will be capitalizing on this weekend when they host their annual Hops On The Snow Brewfest.

Après All Day at Hops On The Snow

If you've never been to Okemo (or even if you have), you should make it a point to head up this Saturday for a brewer's festival that is bound to be a great time. The Jackson Gore Village courtyard, where the event is located, is one of the nicest settings in all of Vermont to just hang out with friend's and share the days stories. Stories that will only be amplified this Saturday with the addition of great craft beers and ciders from the region. With ten breweries currently confirmed you will have quite a sampling of tasty bevvies to choose from as you quench your thirst while skiing in and out of Jackson Gore Village. The peeps at Okemo will even be firing up the bbq for the occasion to satiate the hunger from all those soft bumps you've hit by early afternoon. 

Yes, there's nothing quite like spring skiing and when you throw in great people, tasty beers and delicious food all in one spectacular setting, it just gets even better. Don't miss out on what is guaranteed to be a fun filled event. For more information, a list of breweries and  to purchase your tickets visit Hops On The Snow Brewfest today. 

Be sure to rep the #allaboutaprèsskiteam while you're there in your après ski clothing, currently on sale now on our catalog page. Use code craftbeer and save 15% plus FREE shipping on all orders of $25 or more. #itsalldownhillfromhere

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