When is your next Skiesta?
Photo Credit: Sierra Nevada Instagram Page
Skiing and craft beer go hand in hand. It is the ultimate joint lubricating, story enhancing, good time having end to any ski day. That's why there seems to be no shortage of beer in and around ski resorts. It is also why so many ski brands and ski resorts are partnering with breweries to brew their very own collaboration ski themed beer. Skiers and snowboarders want to drink good beer and who better to brew it than those in the industry.
Sierra Nevada Brewing and Teton Gravity Research Join Forces for a Ski Themed Beer
Skiesta, the new collaboration between OG craft brewer Sierra Nevada and outdoor media mogul, Teton Gravity Research is one of the newest examples of such a partnership. Part ski beer, part fiesta this Bavarian Lager takes you on a Skiesta with every thirst quenching sip. A quaffable, easy drinking beer that has a bready sweet taste and crisp floral hoppiness, it is the perfect day drinking "liftie sipper." Its name, however, and light drinking nature suggests more than this and having a few can make for an excellent apres ski enhancer of stories.
Origins of the Name Skiesta
No good stories ever started over someone eating a salad. They happen over beer. According to Sierra Nevada, the beer's creative name was born from an epic powder day in New Mexico's Taos Ski Valley. Perhaps the post ski stories told over apres ski beers that day were embellished to the point of creating this rather interesting moniker. Nonetheless, a ski beer like this can certainly help you create some of your very own elaborate powder day tales.
Photo Credit: Teton Gravity Research Instagram
A Skiesta or Six Make for an Epic Story
Tips didn't get off the snow on that last hit? After a few Skiestas, you'll be going full send catching the most epic air of your life. Skied hard pack all day? Nah... it was an epic powder day as far I can remember. That's the true definition of a great ski beer and Sierra Nevada's Skiesta is just that. It can amplify you and your friend's adventures from good to epic in just a few sips. CHEERS!