5 Tips to Make the Most of  Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival - All About Apres Ski

5 Tips to Make the Most of Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival

The days are getting longer, and temperatures are on the rise—sure signs that winter, and with it the ski season, is coming to an end. But don’t pack away your gear just yet! Even without the deep powder of mid-winter, this time of year offers unique fun, especially with events like the Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival. While ski conditions may be variable, spring at the resort brings lively outdoor festivals, great craft beer, and exciting entertainment that keep the good times rolling on and off the slopes.

Sure, skiing and snowboarding conditions are variable, at best, but when it comes to this time of year, it's all about the festivals. In their effort to attract visitors at a time when many have packed up their gear for the season, resorts host a variety of outdoor events that are fun and entertaining. While enticing others who do not ski and snowboard to join in the spring mountain fun, they simultaneously give regulars a reason to stay when the snow becomes just a bit too much like mashed potatoes. 

One such event which happens to be one of my favorites is Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival. Although not nearly as big as its summer counterpart, it has been held this time of year at Mount Snow Ski Resort for roughly 12 years prior to the pandemic. Now it's back and ready for you to partake.

Excited as you may be, you don't want to go into this Mount Snow beer fest all unprepared. Here are five tips to consider in order to make the most out of your Mount Snow Brewers' Festival experience. 

5 Tips to Guarantee a Good Time at Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival

Mount Snow Winter Brewers Festival

1. Purchase Tickets Ahead of Time Online

If you know you are going to be attending Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival then why wait? Purchase your tickets ahead of time online. Not only does this save you money and the trouble of having to buy one in person the day of, but it will also save you from getting yelled at by all the anxious people that you are holding up in line behind you. 

Tickets are available on the Mount Snow events page. Adults 21 and older are $20 and come with a commemorative glass and four drink tickets. You also have the option to purchase an additional five drink tokens for $20 which is certainly worth it. This way you'll have them already and won't have to worry about standing in line to purchase more tokens when all you really want to do is drink more craft beer. 

2. Be Sure to Arrive Early

Whether you are skiing and snowboarding or just going for a good time, it is always best to arrive early. Get out on the mountain first thing in the morning and get your laps in. Then bag it around noon. The longer you wait the more crowded the even will become.

Arriving early will give you access to the best craft beers without the hassle of a long line. As the afternoon wears on, more visitors who are there to just drink begin to filter in. Sure the crowd makes for a good time but the beer lines will grow. So if you are looking to get a few extra beers without the struggle, click out of your skis and board early and head to the base area to start drinking. 

Jeff Tuohy

3. Bring a Change of Shoes

This may seem obvious but I'd be remiss if I did not mention it. Mount Snow Winter Brewers Festival runs from 12-4 PM. That's a lot of time to be hanging out in your ski boots. Be sure to have a change of shoes with you. Whether you bring a bag and store it at Mount Snow's free baggage check or pack a pair and leave them in your car, you're going to want to put them on.

Not only will they prolong your day drinking, but when Jeff Tuohy takes the stage, you will be prepared to dance amidst the crowd. Ski boot dancing is all fun and games until you lose a toenail doing the running man. Trust me, I speak from experience.  

4. Have a Designated Driver 

Mount Snow Winters Brewers Festival is a fun way to end your spring ski day. Don't be dumb and drink and drive. If you are not staying within walking distance then be sure to have a designated driver. Mount Snow sells designated driver tickets for $5 for a reason. Have fun and drink responsibly. Everyone will be happier for it. 

5. Don't Forget to Eat

Trust me, this will happen. You will get so engrossed in tasting one Double IPA after another that you can forget to eat. Mount Snow ski resort has plenty of food options all within the base area. Whether it's a slice of Tony's Pizza or something simple from the market inside, coating your stomach with a carb or two will go a long way towards making your day more enjoyable. Not doing so could put you in a Double IPA coma that will have you sleeping in your car while your friends continue to party without you. 

Après Ski Clothes for Every Festival

Spending a few hours at Mount Snow Winter Brewers' Festival requires the right après ski clothing. Nothing says festival wear like our Après All Day Beanie and Raised on Après Hoodie. Other than the fact that their names just work for the occasion, they will both provide you with the comfort you are looking for when it comes to all-day drinking. 

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