How You can Make These Epic Mountain Bloody Mary's
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Grizzly’s, The Hangover (Stratton Mountain, Vt):
Photo Credit: Grizzly's Stratton Mountain
Tomato Juice 13 oz
Horseradish 1 small jar
Worcestershire 12 oz
Tabasco 12 oz
Celery Salt 6 oz
Lemon Juice 8 oz
Brown Sugar 6 oz
Black Pepper 2 oz
Mix all ingredients together and stir.
St. Regis Deer Valley, 7452 Bloody Mary (Deer Valley, Utah)
(four 4 oz. glasses, one of which is pictured above)
Photo Credit: St. Regis Deer Valley
14 oz. can tomato juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cornichon juice
2 tsp. horseradish
1 tsp. Sriracha chili sauce
1/2 tsp. finely ground black pepper
1 tsp celery salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Rub a lime around the rim of each glass and dip in black Hawaiian salt. Combine all ingredients. Fill glass 3/4 full.
For the espuma: Combine celery juice, parsley, wasabi powder and some green apple. Blend and strain, and add as foam on top.
Stein Eriksen Lodge, Carnivore Bloody Mary (Park City, Utah):

Photo Credit: Stein Eriksen Lodge
1.5oz Absolute Elyx Vodka (or that of your preference)
.5oz Absolute Peppar
.25oz Limoncello
4.5oz Bloody Mary Mix
Garnish with celery stalk, Olive, pepperoncini and celery/Worcestershire salted rim.
Add bacon slice and “Perky Jerky”
Add ½ demitasse spoonful of beef stock.
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6th Alley Bar, Bacon Bloody Mary (Arapahoe Basin, Co)
Photo Credit: 6th Alley Bar
Their mixologist said the following but reserved the right to hold off the amounts. We start with a bloody mary base, and add Worcestershire, tobacco, and a secret spice blend (we’re keeping it a secret!). We have a spice blend for the rim of the glass, too. Then, we add the greenery – pickles, olive, peperoncinis, and a skewer of bacon (along with bacon-infused vodka, of course).
Steins Bloody Mary Lunch (Heavenly, Ca.)
Photo Credit: Umbrella Bar at Stein's , Heavenly
Pepperoncini Juice
Lemon Juice
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Celery Salt
Black Pepper
Old Bay Seasoning
Fresh Chopped Garlic
Whiteface Lodge, My Deer Bloody (Lake Placid, NY)
Photo Credit: Kanu Lounge, Whiteface Lodge
- 2oz Teriyaki Venison Jerky infused Jack Daniels
- 4oz House made Bloody Mary mix (V8 tomato juice, Worchester sauce, Ketchup, Salt, Pepper, Celery, Salt)
- Truffle Salt
- Truffle Pop Corn
- Venison Stick
- Use a lemon wedge to wet rim of pint glass
- Salt rim with truffle salt
- In a mixing tin add Local jerky bourbon infusion and Bloody Mary
- Roll into another tin and few times to mix cocktail
- Add ice to rimmed pint glass and pour Bloody Mary over ice
- Garnish with truffle salt, popcorn and venison jerky
Monarch Mountain’s Sidewinder Saloon, Rocky’s Recovery
Photo Credit: Sidewinder Saloon
2oz Absolute vodka
A splash of pickle juice
1/2 oz Worcestershire sauce
1 oz of beef stock, incorporated into fresh made bloody mix, consisting of 5oz tomato juice (we use Campbell's) mixed well with 1 tablespoon fresh course ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon celery salt.