Air and A Lot of Après Leads to Some Northern Exposure - All About Apres Ski

Air and A Lot of Après Leads to Some Northern Exposure


Chasing Storms Right To Sam Adams Air And Après

Rich: I was busy. I was busy chasing storms.

Brian: Ah 

Rich: Sorry, I was busy chasing storms all all March. Out here in the East Coast. Yeah, we got there were a good deal of them. We got dumped on relentlessly and my timing usually sucks when it comes to snow. Like, I'm usually skiing on like their patches and rocks and stuff because I go on like Martin Luther King weekend. For some reason Martin Luther King weekend has become now the second summer every year and it's like sixty degrees. But I got so lucky that I had I had events lined up prior to these storms even coming. So I was at, I went to Sam Adams Air and Apres event at Mount Snow. And then I was invited to the Vermont open. So I had that lined up and then we had a big St. Patty's weekend planned. And, so I had all these weekend's planned and it just so happened that those three straight weekends of  those events it dumped every week. Three feet! Three feet!  Three feet, and it was just I don't think I've had that kind of luck ever in like my life. So I yeah, we were we were chasing storms which now that we're drinking storm chaser.

Brian: Yeah, I got to I got to chase a few storms myself.

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Rich: I will say the the Sam Adams Air and Après event at Mount Snow was one of the coolest things I've ever seen this past winter. They had that 3d mapping. So they have these professional skiers snowboarders Olympic, you know Olympic guys freestyles guys, and they're just sending it. You know launching off these hits and on their landing their 3d mapping different, you have different videos and stuff. You would land and it would look like the ground was crumbling beneath them and it was like hot lava was coming up. Yeah, it was sick! Or, they land and boulders would be following him down and there was one where they was sponsored by Sam Adams so you could see the beer like  as if a beer can or a beer glass was filled up. And, yeah with beer and foam at the top. It was it was really cool. 

Brian: Almost like with the NHL and they had like the arena and they kind of do like a video over the ice like.

Rich: Yeah. Yeah, so exactly that type of technology. It was just such a cool event. Music was going on. Great night. The kids absolutely loved it and the really cool part too was after the fact all the athletes got together in the lodge and signed autographs. My two little ones, they saw the show, but they had to go to bed. So I took my oldest and she got the autographs, but these guys were so nice, they signed extras for the two little - my two little girls. Funny part of this we're standing in line waiting and my daughter is like 9 my oldest is 9 and all of a sudden like something happens and some girl in her 20's runs up to the table where the athlete is and pulls her er ass cheek out and like three of the dudes sign her ass. I look at my daughter. I'm like, "You saw nothing!" Next thing, you know, we get home on Monday and her friend is over she's telling her friend. I'm like, "What are you doing? You gotta keep the secret!"


Rich: So, there was that and DJ Logic actually played the après party at The Snow Barn.

Brian: DJ Logic

Rich: DJ logic man, old school out of Brooklyn, right there.

Brian: Yeah, seriously.

Rich: So that was kind of cool. 

Brian: Ah, The Snow Barn.

Rich: Yeah, The Snow Barn...classic. (laughs)

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